The “Brăila Islands” site is situated in the South-East of Romania and extends over 2,600 km2 and corresponds to a 78 km long Danube sector that stretches between Hârșova (km 253) and Brăila (km 175) cities. This socio-ecological system is inhabited by near 300,000 people and comprises heavily modified ecosystems (e.g. Big Island of Brăila) but also systems under a natural functional regime (e.g. Small Islands of Brăila), being of a crucial natural and socio-economical value. The Danube river in the Brăila Islands section has been ranked as a heavily modified water body according to criteria 2.1 (embankment works) due to the hydro-technical works on 79% of the river stretch sector and a candidate to “heavily modified” according with the WFD criteria 2.2 (regulation works) as a result of dredging of 21% of the river bed for intensive navigation. The main remnant of the natural floodplains consists in the wetlands from the Small Island of Brăila Natural Park with a total surface of 210 km2 and the floodplains between the riverbanks and dikes of almost 93 km2.
COORDINATES: Latitude: 44.962400000000
Longitude: 28.002300000000
SIZE: 259,682.00 ha
PURPOSE: Large scales of ecological systems studies: population/species, compartments (primary producers, consumers, decomposers), ecosystems, complex of ecosystems (landscapes/waterscapes), integration of socio-economical research data and monitoring.
Elevation Range FROM: 1.00msl
Elevation Range TO: 12.00msl
Elevation – Average: 2.00msl
Temperature Range (Monthly Minimum) FROM: -0.37°C
Temperature Range (Monthly Maximum) TO: -0.37°C
Temperature: Average Annual: 11.08°C
Precipitation Minimum Monthly: 89.00mm
Precipitation Annual: 473.60mm
Precipitation Maximum Monthly: 163.30mm
ILTER Biome: Agricultural
GEO-BON Biome: Fresh water lakes; Fresh water rivers; Terrestrial
Ecosystem and Land Use: Agricultural; Forest; Temperate broadleaf and mixed forests; Lakes; Small lakes; Rivers; Large rivers
Biogeographic Region: Steppic
Formally this land-waterscape consisted in a large (1376 square kilometers) floodplain which has been extended in the northern half of the Inland Danube Delta, between a network of river arms and lateral up to the river terrace. Three major hydro-geomorphic units have been developed over time: i) Big Island of Brăila with a surface of 666 square kilometers; ii) Small Islands of Brăila (SIBr) with a surface of 210 square kilometers and iii) lateral floodplain of 500 square kilometers. Before the campaign for agricultural land reclamation (1950’s), the area contained a large number of shallow lakes, ponds and marshes, linked to each other by natural or man-made channels and the entire network of freshwater ecosystems was connected to the river arms. The aquatic ecosystem network has covered a total surface of 619 square kilometers and has provided annually for the fishery sector about 3–4 k tons of fish yield. About 275 square kilometers of land area has been flooded annually for 6–7 months. Such type of flooded area has provided a wide range of excellent habitats for spawning, breeding, nesting and feeding for a large number of fish and bird species. They also functioned as very productive wet grasslands, providing significant quantities of hay or reed mace. The remaining land surface of 482 square kilometers has been flooded only for 2–3 months per year during the main river pulse (April to June). The hydrology of this large land area has allowed the establishment of natural alluvial forests (about 115 square kilometers) as well as practicing extensive and traditional agriculture on variable surface (50– 100 square kilometers or even more) according with the variation in the river’s hydrologic pulse.
By the end of 1960s the Brăila Islands land-waterscape was to a very high extent affected from a structural and functional point of view. Thus 1073 square kilometers of polders were established from which the largest one of 666 square kilometers in Big Island of Brăila. The cost for establishing such large polders has exceeded nine hundreds millions USD (Vădineanu— unpublished data). Most part of permanent water bodies and floodplains has been converted into highly energy subsidized crop production systems. Total subsidies in terms of concentrated energy varied from one to another crop production system according with the type of crop (corn, rice, wheat) and soil characteristics and that was equivalent to 1.5 up to 2.5 tones of diesel fuel per hectare per year. Since 1990 these state owned farming systems have collapsed, as was the case for all those (78 %) created in the LDWS, obviously due the loss of the biological foundation necessary for their maintenance. Currently we still find a significant amount of wetlands consisting of: a) the Small Island of Brăila wetlands (SIBr) with a total surface of 210 square kilometers and b) the floodplains between riverbanks and dikes of almost 93 square kilometers. The SIBr wetlands extends along a Danube river stretch of 62 kilometers long between kilometer 175 downstream and kilometer 237 upstream and consists in a set of 10 islets and a network of river arms and channels.
Deciduous native forest, wetland (mire) and open grass is the dominant vegetation in the floodplain, often accompanied by alluvial soft wood forest, meadow and reeds. 221 species of plants were identified. Dominant species are: willow (Salix alba, Salix cinerea, Salix fragilis), poplar (Populus alba, Populus nigra), elm (Ulmus foliacea), Myricaria germanica, blackberry bush (Rubus caesius). An important part is covered by wetlands with: reed (Phragmites australis), rush (Typha latifolia, Typha angustifolia), Scirpus lacustris, Lythrum salicaria, Galium palustre, Euphorbia palustris, Solanum dulcamara, Sium latifolium, Glyceria maxima, Stachys palustris, Butomus umbellatus, Iris pseudacorus. The most important aquatic associations are: Myriophyllo-nupharetum, Hydrocharitetum morsus-ranae, located especially on lakes; Salvinio-Spirodeletum polyrhizae, in the small water holes from the reed swamp, and Trapetum natansis, in deep water, in association with Lemna minor, Potamogeton perfoliatus, Potamogeton crispus, Potamogeton lucens, Potamogeton pectinatus.
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