(Dis) integrated valuation – assessing information gaps in ecosystem service appraisals for governance support, Ecosystem services –   See article

Barton D,N., Kelemen E., Dick J., Martin-Lopez B., Baggethun – Gomez E., Jacobs S., Hendriks C.M.A., Termansen M., Garcia – Llorente M., Primmer E., Dunford R., Harrison P.A., Turkelboom F., Saarikoski H., van Dijk J., Palomo I., Yli-Pelkonen V.J., Carvalho L., Baro J., Langemeyer J., Tjalling van der Wal J., Mederly P., Priess J.A., Luque S., Berry P., Santos R., Odee D., Martines Pastur G., Garcia Blanco G., Saarela S.R., Silaghi D., Pataki G., Masi F., Vadineanu A., Mukhopadhyay R., Lapola M.D.,


Integrating methods for ecosystem service assessment: Experiences from real world situations, Ecosystem Services –   See article

Dunford R., Harrison P., Smith A., Dick J., Barton N. D., Martin-Lopez B., Kelemen E., Jacobs S., Saarikoski H., Turkelboom F., Verheyden W., Hauck J., Antunes P., Aszalós R., Badea O., Baró F., Berry P., Carvalho L., Conte G., Czúcz B., Garcia G., Howard B.D., Giuca R., Gomez-Baggethun E., Grizetti B., Izakovicova Z., Kopperoinen L., Langemeyer J., Luque S., Lapola D.M., Martinez-Pastur G., Mukhopadhyay R., Roy S.B., Niemelä J., Norton L., Ochieng J., Odee D., Palomo I., Pinho P., Priess J., Rusch G., Saarela S.-R., Jan R., der Wal T., Vadineanu A., Vári A., Woods H., Yli-Pelkonen V.





Adoption of the ecosystem services concept in EU policies, Ecosystem services –  See article

Bouwma, I., Schleyer, C., Primmer, E., Winkler, K.J., Berry, P., Young, J., Carmen, E., Špulerová, J., Bezák, P., Preda, E., Vadineanu, A.,


Ecosystem services in European protected   areas: Ambiguity in the views of scientists and managers?, PLoS ONE 12(11) –  See article

Christiaan Hummel , Antonello Provenzale, Jaap van der Meer, Sander Wijnhoven, Arno Nolte, Dimitris Poursanidis, Guyonne Janss, Matthias Jurek, Magnus Andresen, Brigitte Poulin, Johannes Kobler, Carl Beierkuhnlein, João Honrado, Arturas Razinkovas, Ana Stritih, Tessa Bargmann, Alex Ziemba, Francisco Bonet-García, Mihai Cristian Adamescu, Gerard Janssen, Herman Hummel


Stakeholders’ perspectives on the operationalisation of the ecosystem service concept: Results from 27 case studies,  Ecosystem Services –   See article

Dick J., Turkelboom F., Woods H., Iniesta-Arandia I., Primmer E., Saarela S.-R., Bezák P., Mederly P., Leone M., Verheyden W., Kelemen E., Hauck J., Andrews C., Antunes P., Aszalós R., Baró F., Barton D.N., Berry P., Bugter R., Carvalho L., Czúcz B., Dunford R., Garcia Blanco G., Geamănă N., Giucă R., Grizzetti B., Izakovičová Z., Kertész M., Kopperoinen L., Langemeyer J., Montenegro D., CaminoLiquete L., Luque S., Martinez Pastur G., Martin-Lopez B. Mukhopadhyay R., Niemela J., Odee D., Peri P.L., Pinho P., Bürger Patrício-Roberto G., Preda E., Priess J., Röckmann C., Santos R., Silaghi D., Smith R., Vădineanu A., der Wal J.T., Arany I., Badea O., Bela G., Boros E., Bucur M., Blumentrath S., Calvache M., Carmen E., Clemente P., Fernandes J., Ferraz D., Fongar C., García-Llorente M., Gómez-Baggethun E., Gundersen V., Haavardsholm O., Kalóczkai A.,Khalalwe T., Kiss G., Köhler B., Lazányi O., Lellei-Kovács E., Lichungu R., Lindhjem H., Magare C., Mustajoki J., Ndege C., Nowell M., Nuss S., Ochieng G.J., Often A., Palomo I., Pataki G., Reinvang R., Rusch G., Saarikoski H., Smith A., Soy Massoni E., Stange E., Traaholt V., Vári A., Verweij P., Vikström S., Yli-Pelkonen V., Zulian G.


Misfits and compliance patterns in the transposition and implementation of the Habitats Directive—four cases, Land Use Policy, Volume 62, Pages 337-350 –   See article

Frederiksen, P., van der Sluis, T., Vadineanu, A., Terkenli, T.S., Gaube, V., Gravsholt B.A., Vesterager, P.J., Geamana, N., Schistou, D.E., Pedroli, B.


Nature protection, in Burkhard B, Maes J (Eds.) Mapping Ecosystem Services. Pensoft Publishers, Sofia, pag. 329 – 333, ISBN 978-954-642-829-5

Petteri Vihervaara, Joachim Maes, Laura Mononen, Constantin Cazacu & Mihai Adamescu


Biophysical quantification, in Burkhard B, Maes J (Eds.) Mapping Ecosystem Services. Pensoft Publishers, Sofia, pag. 95 – 103, ISBN 978-954-642-829-5

Petteri Vihervaara, Laura Mononen, Fernando Santos, Mihai Adamescu, Constantin Cazacu, Sandra Luque, Davide Geneletti & Joachim Maes


New EU-scale environmental scenarios until 2050 – Scenario process and initial scenario applications, Ecosystem Services –   See article

Priess J.A., Hauck J., Haines-Young R., Alkemade R., Mandryk M., Veerkamp C., Gyorgyi B., Dunford R., Berry P., Harrison P., Dick J., Keune H., Kok M., Kopperoinen L., Lazarova T., Maes J., Pataki G., Preda E., Schleyer C., Görg C., Vadineanu A., Zulian G.


Operationalising ecosystem service assessment in Bayesian Belief Networks: Experiences within the OpenNESS project, Ecosystem Services   –  See article

Ron I. Smith, David N. Barton, Jan Dick, Roy Haines-Young, Anders L. Madsen, Graciela M. Rusch, Mette Termansen, Helen Woods, Laurence Carvalho, Relu Constantin Giucă, Sandra Luque, David Odee, Verónica Rusch, Heli Saarikoski, Cristian Mihai Adamescu, Rob Dunford, John Ochieng, Julen Gonzalez-Redin, Erik Stange, Anghelută Vădineanu, Peter Verweij, Suvi Vikström


Institutional challenges in putting ecosystem service knowledge in practice, Ecosystem Services –   See article

Saarikoski H., Primmer E., Saarela S.-R., Antunes P., Aszalós R., Baród F., Berry P., Garcia Blanko G., Goméz-Baggethun E., Carvalho L., Dick J., Dunford R., Hanzu M., Harrison P.A., Izakovicova Z., Kertész M., Kopperoinen L., Köhler B., Langemeyerd J., Lapola D., Liquete C., Luque S., Mederly P., Niemelä J., Palomo I., Martinez G., Pablo P., Peri L., Preda E., Priess J.A., Santos R., Schleyer C., Turkelboom F., Vadineanu A., Verheyden W., Vikström S., Young J.


When we cannot have it all: Ecosystem services trade-offs in the context of spatial planning, Ecosystem Services –   See article

Turkelboom F., Leone M., Jacobs S., Kelemen E., Llorente M.G., Baró F., Berry P., Termansen M., Barton D.N., Stange E., Thoonen M., Kalóczkai A., Vadineanu A., Castro A.J., Czúcz B., Röckmann C., Wurbs D., Odee D., Preda E., Gómez-Baggethun E., Rusch G., Martínez Pastur G., Palomo I., Dick J., Casaer J., van Dijk J., Priess J., Langemeyer J., Mustajoki J., Kopperoinen L., Baptist M., Peri P.L., Mukhopadhyay R., Aszalós R., Roy S.B., Luque S., Rusch V


Caught between personal and collective values: biodiversity conservation in European decision-making, Environmental Policy and Governance/27/6/588-604. –   See article

14. Primmer, E., Termansen, M., Bredin, Y.K., Blicharska, M., Garcia-Llorente, M., Berry, P., Jääskeläinen, T., Bela, G., Fabók, V., Geamana, N., Harrison, P.A., Haslett, J., Cosor, G., Holst Andersen, A.





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Litter Decomposition as an Indicator of Stream Ecosystem Functioning at Local-to Continental Scales: Insights from the European RivFunction Project, Advances in Ecological Research, Vol. 55 – Accepted for publication

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Ecosystem services for water policy: Insights across Europe, Environmental Science and Policy – Accepted for publication

Grizzetti B., Liquete C., Antunes P., Carvalho L., Geamănă N., Giucă R., Leone M., McConnell S., Preda E., Santos R., Turkelboom F., Vădineanu A., Woods H.


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Vesterager, J.P., Frederiksen, P., Kristensen, S.B.P., Vadineanu, A., Gaube, V., Geamana, N., Pavlis, V., Terkenli T., Bucur, M., Van der Sluis,T., Busck, A.G.





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Gingrich S., Niedertscheider M., Kastner T., Haberl H., Cosor G., Krausman F., Kuemmerle T., Muller D., Reith – Musel A., Jepsen R.M., Vădineanu A., Erb K-H.


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Jepsen M.R., Kuemmerle T, Müller D., Vadineanu A., et al.


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Cazacu C., Adamescu M.C., Ionescu O., Ionescu G., Jurj R., Popa M., Cazacu R., Cotovelea A.


Climate change impacts on groundwater and dependent ecosystems. Journal of Hydrology 518, 250–266

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Neßhöver C., Timaeus J., Wittmer H., Krieg A., Geamănă N.A., van den Hove S., Young J., Watt A.





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Functional traits and local environment predict vegetation responses to disturbance: a pan-European multi-site-experiment. Journal of Ecology, 99, 777–787

Bernhardt-Römermann M., Gray A., Vanbergen A., Bergès L., Bohner A., Brooker R., De Bruyn L., De Cinti B., Dirnböck T., Grandin U., Hester A., Kanka R., Klotz S., Loucougaray G., Lundin L., Matteucci G., Mészáros I., Oláh V., Preda E., Prévosto B., Pykälä J., Schmidt W., Taylor M., Vadineanu A., Waldmann T., Stadler J.


Universal criteria for species conservation priorities? Findings from a survey of public views across Europe, Biological Conservation, vol. 144, 998 – 1007

Fischer A., Bednar-Friedl B., Langers F., Dobrovodská M., Geamănă N.A., Skogen K., Dumortier M.


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Fischer A., Langers F., Bednar-Friedl B., Geamănă N.A., Skogen K.


Stream Ecosystem Functioning in an Agricultural Landscape: The Importance of Terrestrial-Aquatic Linkages. Advances in Ecological Research Volume: 44, 211-276 DOI: 10.1016/B978-0-12-374794-5.00004-3

Hladyz, S.; Abjornsson, K.; Chauvet, E.; Dobson, M.; Elosegi, A.; Ferreira, V.; Fleituch, T.; Gessner, M. O; Giller, P.S; Gulis, V.; Hutton, S. A; Lacoursiere, J. O; Lamothe, S.; Lecerf, A.; Malmqvist, B.; McKie, B. G; Nistorescu, M.; Preda, E.; Riipinen, M. P; Risnoveanu, G.; Schindler, M.; Tiegs, S. D.; Vought, L. B. -M; Woodward, Guy.


Groundwater dependent ecosystems. Part I: Hydroecological status and trends . Environmental science & policy 14, 770–781

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Groundwater dependent ecosystems. Part II. Ecosystem services and management in Europe under risk of climate change and land use intensification. Environmental science & policy 14, 782–793

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Methodological aspects of the investigation of complex interaction among people and biodiversity’s components, Carpathain Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences, vol. 6, 83-96

Mărmureanu L., Geamănă N.A., Vădineanu A.


Functional traits and local environment predict vegetation responses to disturbance : a Pan-European multi-site experiment. Journal of Ecology 99, pp. 777-787

Romermann B.M., Gray A., Vanbergen J.A., Berges L., Bohner A., Brooker W.R., De Bruyn L., DeCinti B., Dirnbock T., Grandin U., Hester J.A., Kanka R., Klotz S., Loucougaray, G., Lundin, L., Matteuci G., Mezaros I., Olah V., Preda E., Prevosto B., Pykala J., Schmidt W., Taylor E.M., Vadineanu A., Waldman T., Stadler J.





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Hladyz S., Tiegs S.D., Gessner M.O., Giller P.S., Risnoveanu G., Preda E., Nistorescu M., Schindler M., Woodward G.


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Haberl, H., Gaube, V., Ricardo Díaz-Delgado, R., Krauze, K., Neuner, A., Peterseil, J., Plutzar, C., Singh S.J., Vădineanu A.


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McKie B. G., Woodward G., Hladyz S., Nistorescu M., Preda E., Popescu C., Giller P. S., Malmqvist B.


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Postolache, C., Rîşnoveanu. G., Vădineanu, A.


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Rîşnoveanu, G., Postolache, C., Vădineanu. A.


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Cristofor, S., Vădineanu, A., Sârbu, A., Postolache, C., Dobre, R., Adamescu, M.C.


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Rîşnoveanu, G., Vădineanu, A.


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