The infrastructure of the RESEARCH CENTER IN SYSTEMS ECOLOGY AND SUSTAINABILITY of the University of Bucharest has a spatial distribution that ensures a great accessibility to different types of natural ecosystems and socio-ecological complexes and consists of research facilities located in Bucharest, Braila and Sinaia.


Laboratories and other research spaces: #91-95 Splaiul Independentei, within the Faculty of Biology:

Primary processing laboratory;

Elemental analysis laboratory;

Gas chromatographic laboratory;

GIS laboratory;

Physico-chemical analysis laboratory;

Biological samples analysis laboratory.

Research spaces and library: #1 Schitu Magureanu Str. (temporary closed for building rehabilitation).




Portable HACH spectrophotometer;

Perkin Elmer spectrophotometer;

UV-VIS / CECIL spectrophotometer;

Shimadzu Total Organic Carbon analyzer;

Varian Gas Chromatography system;

Vario EL III Element Analyzer;

OLYMPUS SZ 6045 Stereo Microscope.

Dacia Duster 4×4 SUV.

Portable GPS, Garmin GPSMAP 78S;

Night vision camera traps LTL 5310;

Leica binoculars UltraVid 10×50 HD;

Canon EOS 1DX photo camera;

Electro fisher Smith-Root LR-24; ( details)

Fish finder Humminbird 140c Fishin’ Buddy; ( details)

Diascope Victory 85 T FL Carl Zeiss Telescope; ( details)

Panasonic Toughbook, fully rugged laptop for in-situ data collection and analysis;

Trimble Yuma 2 Rugged Tablet Computer with enhanced GPS positional accuracy for field work and in-situ data analysis.


      As part of the RCSES, Braila research station is implementing research projects that investigate the terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems of the Lower Danube sector and contributes to knowledge development by supporting young researchers from Master and PhD research programs that are focused on environmental studies, providing them with the necessary research infrastructure.

Braila,  Str. Ciprian Porumbescu #4

Tel/fax: 0239/670046

Initial preparation of samples;

Sorting of samples.

6712FR Fiberglass Refrigerated Sampler; ( details)

Compact high-performance inverted microscope ECLIPSE TS100 by Nikon Instruments; ( details)

pH benchtop meter inoLab pH 7310 for precision pH measurements; ( details)

Kern AES high-end analytical balance; ( details)

Li-Cor LI-8100A Automated Soil Gas Flux System with temperature and humidity sensors for CO2 flow measurements in soil. (  details)

VW Transporter T4 Karmann camper van that serves as a mobile laboratory for in situ sampling and preliminary data analysis.

The naval base is located on the Danube shoreline, next to the harbor offices.

Pontoon (P.A., 6288) with research laboratories, sleeping rooms, conference room, dining room;

“Universitatea 3” research ship with on-board laboratory for ecological monitoring and on-board primary sample analysis, preservation and transportation of samples;

“Lugojelu” research ship;

Forward 520, Yamaha 60 HP speed boat;

Rowing boats for ecological monitoring on shallow waters.

Rowing boats for ecological monitoring on shallow waters.

YSI 6920 V2-2 Multi-Parameter Water Quality Sonde for water quality logging system, ideal for long-term in situ monitoring and profiling. The sonde is equipped with the following sensors:

  • Water Depth;
  • Temperature;
  • Conductivity;
  • Turbidity;
  • Chlorophyll;
  • DO (%, mg/l);
  • NH4;
  • NO3. ( details)

YSI EXO 2 Multiparameter Water Quality Sonde with Anti-fouling Wiper and Bluetooth connectivity for water quality monitoring equipped with the following sensors:

  • Conductivity;
  • Temperature;
  • Optical DO (% , mg/L);
  • fDOM;
  • ph/ORP;
  • Water Depth;
  • Turbidity (NTU, FNU);
  • Wiper. ( details)

YSI 600 R Multi-Parameter Water Quality Sonde for surface water and ground water applications. This sonde measures dissolved oxygen using the Rapid Pulse® stirring-independent dissolved oxygen sensor and is equipped with the following sensors:

  • Dissolved Oxygen (polarographic);
  • Temperature;
  • Conductivity;
  • Salinity;
  • pH;
  • Total Dissolved Solids (TDS). ( details)

YSI 600 R Multi-Parameter Water Quality Sonde for surface water and ground water applications. This sonde measures dissolved oxygen using the Rapid Pulse® stirring-independent dissolved oxygen sensor and is equipped with the following sensors:

  • Temperature;
  • pH, ORP;
  • Conductivity;
  • salinity;
  • TDS;
  • Oxygen (% Sat, ppm, mg/L);
  • Turbidity (NTU, FNU);
  • SS (mg/L). ( details)

BBE Moldaenke FluoroProbe sonde for the analysis of chlorophyll with algae class determination. Individual profiles during the measurements are taken for green algae, blue-green algae/cyanobacteria, diatoms/dinoflagellates and cryptophytes. It can quickly and reliably determine the chlorophyll content of different algae classes down to a depth of 100m (optionally 1000 m). The measurement data can be displayed in real time on a PC or be stored in the probe for subsequent evaluation. ( details)

Schindler-Patalas plankton trap made of Plexiglas and zooplankton net, used for sampling the zooplankton of a lake or pond.

Secchi disk, a plain white, circular disk 30 cm (12 in) in diameter used to measure water transparency in bodies of water. The depth at which the disk is no longer visible is taken as a measure of the transparency of the water. This measure is known as the Secchi depth and is related to water turbidity.

Benthic Sediment Bottom Sampler and benthic mesh, designed for sampling benthic invertebrates in soft bottomed lakes and rivers composed of muck, mud or fine peat.

Quadrat which is suitable to estimate the structural parameters of terrestrial herbaceous vegetation and aquatic macrophytes.


HOBO RX3000 Remote Monitoring Station Data Logger – RX3000. ( details)

Solar powered GPS-GSM Ecotone loggers for tracking animals and birds during migration, i.e.: ducks, raptors, storks, cormorants. ( details)

Portable GPS, Garmin GPSMAP 78S;

Night vision camera traps LTL 5310;

Leica binoculars UltraVid 10×50 HD;

Canon EOS 1DX photo camera;

Electro fisher Smith-Root LR-24; ( details)

Fish finder Humminbird 140c Fishin’ Buddy; ( details)

Diascope Victory 85 T FL Carl Zeiss Telescope; ( details)

Panasonic Toughbook, fully rugged laptop for in-situ data collection and analysis

Trimble Yuma 2 Rugged Tablet Computer with enhanced GPS positional accuracy for field work and in-situ data analysis.


   The Zoological Research Station Sinaia, located in Sinaia city, in the Cumpătu district, has been established by professor A. Popovici- Bâznoșeanu in 1922 for field activities of students in biology. It was the first academic and research institute in Romania benefiting from high ecosystems diversity of the Bucegi mountain region and the Prahova River basin (in natural conditions at that time).

   The institutional development of the Zoological Research Station Sinaia had three phases:

  • 1922-1951, without permanent staff, dedicated to accumulation of knowledge and data on mountain flora and fauna. Around 130 scientific papers have been published in national and international journals.
  • 1951-1989, having permanent research staff, focused on knowledge development about the structure and dynamics of natural populations in relationship with abiotic and biotic factors. The results have been published in 386 original scientific papers.
  • after 1989, when the research activity of the Zoological Research Station has been integrated in the research activities of RCSES, as part of the Department of Systems Ecology. Activities were carried out in different research projects together with other national partners (e.g. Forest Research and Management Institute) along Bucegi-Piatra Craiului, Neajlov and Brăila Islands LTSER sites.

   The research infrastructure consists in laboratories for long term research in taxonomy and ecology, accommodations for biology students during field applications and the Conference Center suitable for organization of summer schools, team building and scientific conferences.