Cristian Mihai Adamescu

      Cristian Mihai Adamescu is senior scientist at the University of Bucharest, and since 2017 the Head of Research Center in Systems Ecology and Sustainability, and coordinator of Braila Research Station.

    His professional interests are mainly ecology of large rivers; application of systems ecology to sustainability; sensors networks and high frequency monitoring for complex systems; dynamics and productivity of freshwater ecosystems, eutrophication and its impact, the functional role of wetlands, phytoplankton population dynamics, development of integrated management plans and biodiversity conservation options; communicating science to the public.

    He is coordinating the Romanian team in three Horizon 2020 projects: eLTER (Integrated European Long-Term Ecosystem & Socio-Ecological Research Infrastructure), ESMERALDA (Enhancing ecosystem services mapping for policy and Decision making) and Advanced eLTER.

    He contributed to the development of 10 management plans for Natura 2000 sites and for Natural Park Small Island of Brăila, within a LIFE-Natura project. Here many innovative approaches were applied, including Fuzzy Cognitive Mapping. Dr. Adamescu is a member in the National Committee to Combat Drought, Land Degradation and Desertification in Romania.

    He has published over 40 scientific papers and contributed to 6 books.


Angheluță Vădineanu

      Professor Angheluță Vădineanu is the former Head of Research Center in Systems Ecology and Sustainability.

    His research activities have been focused on: the dynamics of composition, structure and ecological processes in Lower Danube River System, identification and management of the Romanian ecological network, population dynamics and energy budget, and, more recently, on the ecosystem services assessment, economics of ecosystems and landscapes functions, conceptual and analytical modeling of socio-ecological complexes and on designing and development of science-policy interfaces.

    He led over 30 international projects (funded within Framework Programs 4 to 7 of the European Commission) and 10 national projects.

    He has published more than 130 scientific papers in peer-reviewed journals, contributed to 15 books published in Springer, Wiley – Blackwell, CRC-Press, Island Press and Backhuys Publishers, as well as to many scientific reports and background papers.


Carmen Postolache

      Professor Carmen Postolache graduated in Chemistry (1983) and got the Ph.D degree (1999) in Chemistry at the University of Bucharest. Since 1991, her research was focused on biogeochemical cycles of nutrients and heavy metals, ecotoxicology and water quality issues.

    In the last twenty years she was in charge for coordination and administration of national projects and some international projects: i) local coordination of the European research project “Nutrient Management in Danube Basin and its Impact on Black Sea (DANUBS)”; ii) local management of other European research projects dealing with the identification and assessment of major drivers, pressures and status in the national or Lower Danube River-Black Sea biophysical structures; iii) member of the research team in the European research projects (FP4,FP5, FP6, FP7).

    A specific contribution was brought for designing and developing the Department of Systems Ecology and Sustainability as a unit for human resources development and training, as well as for transdisciplinary research.

    She is member of several international and national scientific bodies e.g. EarthVoice Romania, Romanian Ecological Society, International Association for Danube Research, member of the Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management and of European Science Foundation Pool of Reviewers.


Constantin Cazacu

    Constantin Cazacu is a lecturer in the Department of Systems Ecology and a senior researcher within the Research Center.

   He participated in over 15 EU funded projects (EU Framework Programme 4 to 7) and 15 national funded projects and coordinated the project “Spatio-temporal dynamics of the ecosystems from Braila Islands LTSER under the impact of climate change”, funded by the National Council of Scientific Research. He is also coordinator for the Romanian partner in ECOPOTENTIAL – Horizon 2020 project.


Nicoleta Adriana Geamănă

    Nicoleta Adriana Geamănă is a researcher at UB-RCSES, having a broad experience related to ecological, social and educational aspects that are required for implementation of biodiversity conservation and sustainable development strategies.

      She has been involved in development of science-policy interfaces in the process of designing and development of measures for biodiversity conservation. She contributed at the assessment of arguments in favour of biodiversity conservation for a more effective decision making and governance at different spatial scales.

    She was member of the implementation team of several EU funded projects and coordinated the project „Scientific basis for assessment of resources and services from aquatic ecosystems according with the Water Framework Directive” funded by National Council of Scientific Research.

    She published alone or as co-author more than 36 scientific papers.


Elena Preda

      Elena Preda is a senior researcher at UB-RCSES, having scientific expertise in the field of water quality assessment, evaluation of ecosystems functions and services and biodiversity indicators. Her research activities concern: contributions to development of new scientific and technical basis for assessment of climatic changes impacts on groundwater dependent ecosystems; studying the litter decomposition process in different bio-geographic regions for understanding the impact of different drivers in climatic changes context; implementation of field experiments for understanding the main ecological processes and interactions under different pressures; involvement in environmental policy elaboration and implementation, thus supporting the decision making process.

      She was a member of the implementation team of several international projects funded by European Commission under the Framework Programme 4 to 7 (e.g. ERMAS, RIVFUNCTION, EMERGE, ALTERNET/Multi-Site experiment, EBONE, GENESIS, OPENNESS), and national funded projects (e.g. PROMOTOR, INAQUA).

      She coordinated the UB-RCSES team within the project ”Solidarity and respect for people and nature – pilot project for developing, testing and enacting the „beneficiary pays” principle for ecosystem services in Romania” funded through SEE Financial Mechanism 2009-2014, and also coordinated projects supporting the implementation of Water Framework Directive at national level.


Relu Constantin

      PhD in Ecology, researcher at UB-RCSES University of Bucharest. His PhD thesis was entitled „Contributions to the development of knowledge regarding the quantification of fish-eating birds pressure on the fish structure and productivity of Inner Danube Delta aquatic ecosystems”. His research activity focused on piscivorous birds communities dynamics and structure and their interactions with the ichthyofauna.

      He was member in different European and national funded projects, currently being involved in OPENNESS – Operationalisation of Natural Capital and EcoSystem Services: From Concepts to Real-world Applications, FP 7/ EC. He worked as a consultant for an international company, being involved in European and national consultancy projects (European Space Agency: Improved Sustainability of ESA Operations; European Topic Centre for Air and Climate Change / European Environment Agency: Greenhouse gas emission trends and projections in Europe 2009; Revision of the national strategy for waste management etc.).


Magdalena Bucur

      PhD at the Doctoral School in Ecology and research assistant at the Research Centre in Systems Ecology and Sustainability – University of Bucharest. Her PhD thesis focused on testing and improving science – policy interface to support the sustainable governance at the watershed scale.

      She was involved as a team member in the implementation of EU funded projects (ESMERALDA – Enhancing ecosystem services mapping for policy and decision making – EC Horizon 2020 Programme) or EEA Grants (SOLIDARON -Solidarity and respect for people and nature – pilot project for developing, testing and enacting the beneficiary pays principle for ecosystem services in Romania; VALUEECOSERV -The assessment of the ecosystem services provided by protected areas in Romania).


Tudor Constantin

      Master in Ecology, Bachelor in Biology, currently PhD student at Doctoral School in Ecology. His PhD research topic is focused on “Assessment of the provisioning ecosystem services dynamics in wetland ecosystems of Braila Islands”. His research is focused on ecosystem services assessment and mapping, wetland functions and services.

      During the master programme he was involved in the implementation of the EU FP7 Volante and OpenNESS projects. Since 2013 he worked as volunteer for the Institute for Housing and Urban Development Studies Romania helping with data collection and elaboration of environment analysis, as part of the territorial development strategies at local and regional level and published two scientific papers.


Marius Petrut Bujor

      Master in Ecology, Bachelor in Ecology. His research is focused on ecological monitoring and assessment of species conservation status, herpetofauna species distribution, freshwater ecological state, bio-geochemical status of wetland systems.

      He was responsible for the field activities during the training session “Methods, techniques and sampling tools for integrated monitoring programs” for the staff involved in the implementation of Water Framework Directive at national level. He was team member for seven international projects funded under the Framework Programs 5 to 7 of the European Commission, as well as for national funded projects.


Valentin Dinu

      Bachelor in Ecology, Master in Ecology, currently PhD student at Doctoral School in Ecology. His research topic is focused on “The impact of multiple stressors on benthic shredder invertebrates’ communities from low level streams”.

      Other topics of interest are invasive plant species and leaf litter decomposition. He was involved in the implementation of CROSSLINK project – Research project aiming at improving understanding of aquatic-terrestrial linkages in stream networks – as a Research Assistant, involved in all practical aspects from data collection to analysis regarding litter decomposition and riparian vegetation.


Serban Danielescu

    Dr. Serban Danielescu started his joint appointment with Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC) and Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC) after receiving his Ph.D. from the University of New Brunswick (Department of Engineering) in 2009.

   He previously received a M.Sc. (1999) and a Ph.D. (2007) from the University of Bucharest (Romania) while conducting research at the Department of Systems Ecology and Sustainable Development. Dr. Serban Danielescu’s research is focused on understanding the impact of agricultural practices on groundwater quantity and quality, and on downgradient aquatic ecosystems. As part of his research, he employs conventional groundwater field investigation methods in conjunction with various models, to develop an integrated ecosystem-based perspective on the transfer of water and contaminants from sources to receiving surface water bodies at various spatial and temporal scales. In recent years he took an interest in developing free online tools that can be used for advancing the understanding of local and watershed scale hydrological processes.

    Dr. Danielescu is currently conducting research with funding from both ECCC and AAFC at various locations in Canada, such as Black Brook (New Brunswick), Harrington Experimental Farm (Prince Edward Island) and Assiniboine Delta Aquifer (Manitoba), where he is collaborating with scientists from universities and other governmental departments to advance the understanding of the significance of subsurface nutrient fluxes at various spatial and temporal scales

Profile pages

Google Scholar :

Research Gate

Government of Canada S&T Experts:

LinkedIn: 11b5123

Online tools

HydrologyTool Set:

ETCalc (Evapotranspiration) :

SepHydro (Hydrograph Separation):

SWIB (Soil Water Stress, Irrigation Requirement and Water Balance):

SNOSWAB (Snow, Soil Water and Water Balance):

RECHARGE BUDDY (Groundwater Recharge):

SNOWBUDDY (Snowfall and Rainfall):

Other links:

Canadian Rivers Institute

University of New Brunswick:

Research Center in Systems Ecology and Sustainability

AAFC Fredericton Research and Development Centre

Canada Centre for Inland Waters


Georgia Cosor

      Georgia COSOR, PhD in Ecology, afiliated researcher at UB-RCSES. Her field of expertise is systems ecology with focuson identification of spatial and temporal patterns of ecosystems, mapping and assessment of ecosystems and their services.

      She was a member of the implementation team of several EU funded projects (e.g. EURO-LIMPACS, ALTERNET, FARO-EU, AQUAMONEY, EnvEurope, VOLANTE, OpenNESS, BESAFE), EEA Grants (e.g. COREHABS, SOLIDARON, ValueEcoServ) and national funded projects (e.g. A-Consortiu, PROMOTOR, INAQUA).


Florina Botez

      The biogeochemical elements’ cycles are the primary focus of the research she is concerned with. Currently she is a teaching assistant within the Department of Systems Ecology and Sustainability, but also works in Biogeochemical Cycles laboratories, where she takes part in many activities that concern the determination of physical, chemical and microbiological parameters, ranging from field sampling to obtaining and interpreting the results.

      She obtained her PhD in Environmental sciences (2013), after graduating from Bachelor and Master programs in Ecology. At present, she is an author for 4 international scientific indexed (ISI) publications


Cristina – Maria Popescu

      Cristina – Maria Popescu holds Bachelor, Master and PhD in Ecology. She is a lecturer in the Department of Systems Ecology and Sustainability.

      Her field of interest is focused on the mechanisms by which aquatic and terrestrial invertebrate’s community (structural and functional patterns) and ecological processes rates (eg. leaf litter decomposition in stream) respond to direct and indirect anthropogenic pressures She was a member of the implementation team in international projects founded by European Commission: RIVFUNCTION, ALTERNET, CROSSLINK and national projects: A-Consortiu, POMOTOR.
